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One -stop Training Solution

Gallumphing presents HEXDUCATION, an adaptive learning platform that will allow creating, uploading, curating, assembling, and distributing any educational materials.

"Empower Minds, Fuel Success”

Empowers organizations with a centralized hub of  knowledge

Seamlessly integrating resources, peer collaboration

Personalized learning Pathways

Content Curation & Assess

Organize and structure on demand material.
Develop competency check-in’s with adaptive modules

Manage at all Levels

Handle Licenses by Users and Departments, and Seamlessly Track Progress with Layers of Governance and Accountability.

Learning Pathways

Create personalized pathways based on objectives

Unified Learning Experience

Efficient Resource Utilization

Governance and Advance Settings

Tailored Learning Pathways

Cost-Efficiency-Integrated Learning Environment

Data-Driven Insights

Streamlined Learning

What is HeXducation?

Imagine a dynamic learning solution that puts the control in the hands of educators, companies, and independent creators. With this tool, you can effortlessly distribute your educational materials to those who are eager to learn. Better yet, you’ll have the ability to monitor their progress and curate content by setting learning pathways that cater to distinct audiences – whether it’s employees, peers, or any other unique use cases. 
By leveraging the versatile features of the platform, you can truly maximize its potential.



Stop searching, Start Doing !

Explore some of the use cases and get in touch with us to continue writing this story together.
We can uncover many more possibilities hand in hand

Knowledge Transfer

Worry less about the system and more about the strategy. Enable your internal culture and knowledge to be scaled, facilitating immediate knowledge transfer and fueling a business core university with internal cases

Manage Trainnings

Keep your employees up-to-date with training in services, products, manufacturing, and processes. Train fearlessly in any field

Create Onboarding Process

Ensure the mastery of relevant topics through an onboarding process designed by categories, roles, or departments, creating tailored welcome processes for the company.

Development Programs

Provide specialized Courses to complement career path initiatives or offer additional benefits to your employees

Off boarding Process

Stay connected with your laid-off employees; offer development perks to assist them in repositioning themselves through access to programs and certifications in the event of separation

Peer ecosystem feedback

Optimize business and individual expertise by co-creating, sharing, blending, and curating content collaboratively with ecosystem experts.

The cool courses available

Train of trainers: Leadership for High-Impact Teams through Experiential Learning

Train the Trainer: Elevate Your Career as a Coach, Facilitator, or Trainer with a Course Designed to Enhance the Skills of Those Devoted to Empowering Other Leaders

Leadership                 45 Hrs

Developing Agile Teams 
For Start ups

Course focused on implementing agility adoption strategies for newly formed teams in emerging companies.

Leadership                 45 Hrs

Developing Agile Teams 
For Start ups

Course focused on implementing agility adoption strategies for newly formed teams in emerging companies.

Leadership                 45 Hrs

Easy Upload

Drag & drop Content to start curation process & prevent 
repetitive and redundant content.

Quick previews          Double- Check the pathways before applying changes

Real-time collaboration   Work together in real-time and easily join your teammates to co create courses.

Everything you need to manage people development or personal career paths

Powerful Library      Discover an extensive and diverse content library available for curation &
Free utilization.

Bulk actions                        Organically manage tasks within the app through bulk actions and permissions.

Global Admin Mode                         Get access to an special monitoring of your company 
learning advance with a 
special dashboard

Themes              Customize and brand 
your white label instance     

Data Insights                      Make better-informed decisions with the 360-degree data analytics provided by the solution.

Question 1

True or false? This play takes place in Italy

Assessments, Quizzes, Tests



Easily launch assignments, quizzes, and tests. Student results are automatically entered in the tracking system and connected Platforms.

Affordable pricing

Students / Creators

  • Test content and features
  • Upload and Share significant material
  • 6 Free Courses

👤 Individual

$ 24
  • Access to licensed courses
  • Add (4)Teammates or peers
  • Access to new material first
  • Set your own learn pathway
  • Share in media milestones

👥 Corporate

$ 12
  • Curate Content
  • Integrate LMS and licenses
  • Creators Tools
  • Special amount of Global admin Sits
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