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Powering the future of education by co creating world class courses and programs.

100+ Courses Certified

$3M+ Valued Material

150+ Learning Pathways

Getting started

Breaking bridges of learning



Gallumphing» is the representative of the University of San Diego’s extended studies division. This alliance is established to overcome educational barriers by bringing organizations and professionals closer to courses and programs that maintain the teaching quality and certification standards achieved through years of methodological advancement, trajectory, and guidelines, as exemplified by a global powerhouse like the United States.


The purpose is to create tailor-made courses that adapt to the reality, needs, and Latin American and Spanish-speaking context, guided by professionals and experts from the LATAM region. These courses will be certified and endorsed by the University of San Diego. As a secondary objective, we aim to elevate the seniority of professionals and the human capital of companies by connecting them with knowledge imparted by prominent figures, facilitated through access to the portfolio of courses and educational programs offered by UCSDC.


We assess educational needs and welcome proposals from professional profiles or institutions to collaboratively create the course structure and pedagogical methodology.









We design and validate valuable content, key learning metrics, and expected outcomes. Produce the audiovisual material and evaluate the requirements for immersive and interactive resources if needed. The course is published, distributed, and marketed.

Payment structure

Our goal is for the professional to succeed, ensuring access to top-notch education and the provision of a platform where professionals and experts can monetize their knowledge, which is truly invaluable. That’s precisely why our framework will always prioritize a win-win approach. All parties involved will have access to the agreed-upon profit percentages without any complex structure.

Available UC San Diego Courses for Companies, Institutions and Professionals

Application process

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